Gynaecology Ultrasound

Most gynaecological scanning will be performed using a transvaginal probe. This will provide detailed images of the pelvic organs, i.e. cervix, uterus, endometrium and ovaries. Examination of the bladder and kidneys can also be performed, in conjunction with pelvic scan.

Colour Doppler blood flow assessment of the uterine and ovarian vessels is also used and helps in the differential diagnosis of many gynaecological conditions.

Gynaecological scans can be used in the following situations -

Lower abdominal pain and bleeding

Ultrasound scans are important for the the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, pelvic inflammatory disease and locating intrauterine contraceptive devices.

Lower abdominal and pelvic masses

Ultrasound scans are used to diagnose pelvic masses such as ovarian cysts, fibroids and endometriosis. Colour Doppler scans of ovarian cysts and masses are helpful in determining the possibility of malignancy.

Irregular or postmenopausal bleeding

Ultrasound scans are used to assess the endometrium (lining of the womb) to diagnose endometrial polyps, fibroids and endometrial cancer. Colour Doppler scans of ovarian cysts and masses are helpful in determining the possibility of malignancy.

Amenorrhoea and subfertility

Ultrasound scans are used for assessing polycystic ovaries and endometrial receptivity for conception. Ovarian follicle tracking in both natural and induced cycles are also undertaken.

Ovarian cancer screening

Annual screening is recommended for women with a family history of ovarian cancer or women who have had ovulation induction as part of infertility treatment.

For more information or to arrange an appointment for a scan, simply fill in the details below and we will contact you.
A woman